I have been itching to share this with the world and now I can. An up market glossy magazine covering “The Pennine villages” got in touch a little while ago, after finding my facebook page, and asked if I would be interested in them doing an article on my hat making. After a nice relaxed interview a photo session and a little waiting for the next issue I received, the through the post, print copies of the magazine needless to say I was stunned to discover a full page picture of me in one of my hats and a double page spread with words an pictures. To say I’m ecstatic is an Understatement Thank You Mosaic Magazine…

Mosaic Magazine Page 29
Mosaic Magazine for April 2013 can be found here and head for page 29
While their Home Page can be found here
Mosaic Magazine Pages 30-31
A few images that didn’t make the page can be found in the albums on my Facebook page